Development permits are required for new projects, changes in use, or additions to existing structures. Development permits address community planning, bylaws, land use, image and compatibility issues. More information on Village of Duchess Development Permits can be found in the Land Use Bylaw #438/08. Development Permits are required for:
Constructing or moving in a new house
Adding to an existing house (including decks)
Adding an accessory building to your property (including garages and sheds)
Building a fence
Installing a swimming pool
Change of use of a building
Click to Download The Duchess Residential Development Application
Click to Download The Duchess Non-Residential Development Permit
A building permit is designed to address structural integrity and public safety issues of a structure. A building permit ensures that construction is compliant with the Alberta Building Code. It gives authorization to erect, demolish, relocate, alter or repair a structure, or change the use or occupancy of a space. A building permit may be required for:
The construction or relocation of any building
The demolition, alteration, or addition to any building
Construction of decks with an elevation of more than 24 inches above grade
The change of use of any building
The installation of mechanical equipment, wood stoves, space heaters, or fireplaces
Swimming pools or hot tubs
For all Building, Gas, Plumbing, and Electric permits please contact Superior Safety Codes Inc.
Phone: 1 (877) 320-0734
A valid business license is required for all businesses operating within the Village of Duchess. Business licenses are available at the Village Office and expire each year on December 31. More information can be found in the Business License Bylaw #449/11.
Click to Download The Village of Duchess Business License Application – 2020
All cats and dogs older than 6 months belonging to residents of Duchess are required to be licensed. Licensing your pet ensures that you can be contacted and the pet can be returned without hassle in the event that it gets out. Cat and dog licenses are available at the Village office. Pricing and important pet owner information regarding cat and dog licenses can be found in the Cat Bylaw #437/07 and the Dog Bylaw #387/99.
Lets keep Duchess clean! Doggy bag stations are located throughout the village. Please pick up after your pet!
Please contact the Village Office if you have any questions regarding permits or licenses.
(403) 378-4452