Snow and Ice:
Snow clearing is done as needed. Please drive with care on icy roads. Click here for more snow plowing information.
Street Sweeping:
The annual street sweeping program begins in early Spring, weather permitting. On Emerson Avenue and the Eastern block of Margaret Avenue, signs with the scheduled sweeping date will be posted with designated no-parking during this time.
Street sweeping will be ongoing, on an as needed basis, throughout the summer and fall.
Pothole Repairs:
Pothole patching and repairs will begin in the late Spring when the daily temperatures are high enough to ensure adequate compaction of the cold mix asphalt.
Upcoming Roadwork:
All major road repair and construction projects have been completed for 2019.
All roads open at this time.
Please check back for the most up-to-date information on road closures and street repairs
Scheduled Roadwork Map 2019