Planning and Development come together from integral components of larger context from provincial, regional and municipal documents and regulations that work together to provide consistency for municipalities throughout Alberta.
The Municipal Government Act (MGA), sets out the legislative framework for planning in Alberta and specifically Part 17 places the authority for land use decision making at the local level. Through the legislation, a municipal council is empowered with the authority
to create and adopt statutory plans, establish planning approval committees, enforce conditions of planning approvals, and to ensure that the public is involved with planning at the local level. The Subdivision and Development Regulation is passed by Cabinet
and outlines basic procedures and approval criteria for subdivision and development decisions at the local level. The Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) is the legal authority to implement the province’s Land Use Framework and provide direction and leadership
in identifying objectives of the Government regarding land use, economics and the environment. As well, it creates policy that enables sustainable development and sets the stage for regional planning which includes seven regions.
The South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (SSRP) is a legislative instrument developed pursuant to section 13 of the ALSA. The SSRP uses a cumulative effect management approach to set policy direction for municipalities to achieve desired environmental, economic, and social outcomes within the South Saskatchewan Region until 2024. A
community’s MDP must comply with the SSRP, which came into effect September 1, 2014.
The Plan does not exist or function in isolation at the local level. Over the years, a number of statutory and non-statutory plans and related studies have been completed to guide the growth and development of the community, including the Village of Duchess Land Use Bylaw and the Intermunicipal Development Plan with the County of Newell.